
Dakahxi Consulting

時間:2016-05-13 來源:文率科技

Our team works internationally to support development initiatives, provide Canadian and Chinese enterprises in international cooperation and exchanges, project contacting, strengthen relations. Working with partners to help through communication, innovation and global advocacy. Dakahxi consulting following its seven principal to providing the perfect combination of links and services for enterprise and government projects.


中國 · 天津市河西區(qū)南京路35號亞太大廈1403室

泊头市| 岳西县| 依安县| 蕲春县| 平乐县| 云霄县| 连江县| 荣昌县| 竹北市| 仲巴县| 威海市| 城固县| 黔江区| 泸州市| 宁津县| 南溪县| 高台县| 云林县| 大英县| 酒泉市| 肃北| 微博| 饶平县| 上林县| 南岸区| 舟山市| 莱芜市| 宜昌市| 玉门市| 景洪市| 临湘市| 连平县| 八宿县| 井陉县| 黔江区| 怀仁县| 武宁县| 太谷县| 永新县| 南雄市| 库伦旗|